formerly CIGNA Government Services
formerly CIGNA Government Services
In 2011, CIGNA Government Services was purchased by BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina, and the name was shortened to "CGS." This collection is a sampling of the work I have done from the date of purchase in June 2011 to the official "rebrand" in January 2013. I acted as the brand lead, design lead, and sole designer on each of the projects.

CGS 2011 rebrand (sole designer on trademark, overall look/brand).

2011 CGS Annual Report (select pages from the annual report). The full report may be found at:

Motivational board (installation), located in main elevator lobby of CGS building.

Internal and external website redesign mock-ups.

CGS Medicaid promotional brochure.

Design for the quarterly DME Insider publication.

Internal promotional poster for the annual Sprling Fling to raise money for the March of Dimes.